Open Minds, Open Doors is a series of ‘network and learn’ events for landlords and brokers to learn about opportunities for renting to people with a conviction or arrest in their past.
We aim to change ‘hearts and minds’ so those who are turning their lives around can access the foundation of their success: housing.

You can play a part in that journey.
powerful storytelling from people with lived experience
research that debunks myths
a simple call to action
We provide a fun atmosphere where landlords and brokers can socialize and feel comfortable engaging in this conversation.
Participants will be invited to join by letting us know about available apartments for those New Yorkers who are getting back on their feet.
For Real Estate Professionals
Open Minds, Open Doors is an opportunity for landlords and brokers to learn how they can be part of the journey of people who are turning their lives around.
For the Change Makers
Too often, when someone is ready to be released from incarceration, they will be held because they don't have a place to go. When we bring landlords together with community, we can change that.
Learn more about Open Minds, Open Doors.
Values Proposition
As a landlord, how do you want to be remembered?
“If you are assisting a person who has done something that they may not be so proud of, you will never be rewarded any other way but deep down in your heart.”
Resources for Landlords
Tips & Reminders
How to address situations where an applicant has justice history.
Facts & Reality
What are the facts and reality about applicants with justice history.
Past Events
March 28 / 6:30-9:00PM
401 State St, Brooklyn, NY 11217 -
March 30 / 6:30-9:00PM
15 White St, New York, NY 10013 -
April 24 / 6:30-9:00PM
The Foundry (Long Island City) -
Continuing Legal Education
New York Law School
Custom Sessions
The Open Minds Open Doors initiative conducts customized events and sessions, including for property management companies, real estate brokerage and sales firms, and other agencies. If you are interested in collaborating on an event, please contact us via email at: info@openmindsopendoorsnyc.com.
The initiative is funded by Enterprise Communities Partners through its funders (Robin Hood and Trinity Church Wall Street), and is Co-Chaired by Yolanda Johnson-Peterkin, Executive Director for Housing Initiatives at the New York City Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice and Dan Hafetz, Principal of Policy Ground Consulting.